Sunday, 12 August 2012

Buzzing through Denbies

On Saturday evening (11 Aug), around 500 people took part in an amazing walk through the Denbies Wine Estate and surrounding countryside in the Surrey Hills.  The weather was kind to us, warm but with a cooling breeze and absolutely NO rain!

Looking like a swarm of bees, the yellow-shirted fundraisers travelled from the starting point near the vines up, up and up even more!  The route took us up to the halfway point (what a fantastic view), where we turned around for the return, and thankfully all downhill, journey.  The ice cream van at the turning point had a very profitable evening and, with some persuasion I understand, did make a donation to Marie Curie!

Once back at the meeting point - the very hospitable Friends Life club - everyone began to gather round the Walk Ten stage, surrounded by memory lanterns, where a steel band entertained us, along with some impressive fire juggling (Health and Safety!) 

Debbie Ventham, a Marie Curie nurse, spoke about her job and the support she is able to give to patients and their families during their last few days.  She had spent one night with a gentleman who wanted her to help him find all his photo albums and other mementos of his life.  They then spent the night looking through everything, at one point laughing so loudly they disturbed his wife sleeping in the room next door!  The next day he was able to go through everything with his wife, looking through the memories of their life together.  He died shortly after.  Debbie said she feels privileged to be able to help people in this way - not just to help them with their medical needs, but also to support them and their families in so many other ways. 

After Debbie spoke, the lights were dimmed and at 10pm, the time that the Marie Curie nurses across the country start their shifts, a minutes silence was observed.  The evenings celebrations concluded with an impressive fireworks display.

We will hopefully find out how much was raised by the Denbies walk, and by the Walk Ten campaign as a whole in due course.  But if everyone there raised just £20 each, that would pay for 500 hours of care - what an fantastic achievement! (Update - Sounds like initial estimate for the Denbies Walk Ten is around £25K!!)

If you would like to take part in next Year's Walk Ten, keep an eye on our Facebook page in the early part of 2013 and we will bring you the information as soon as we know it.